About us 介紹
The Music Association of Auckland
Incorporated Society No. 1280012 Charities Commission No: CC33909
The Music Association of Auckland is a non-profit organisation founded in 2002, their members are ethnic Chinese from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. They aim to use music as a bridge to enhance communication amongst members, to take part in music activities, to support and heighten opportunities of music participation in our communities. MAA also provide a platform for performance, and enjoy fellowship through music, particularly our new migrants to integrate with people of the mainstream community. The Association is devoted to developing diversity of different cultures in New Zealand.
Besides our annual concert we have initiated quartet Composition competition for young musicians with the combination of Chinese, Indian and western instruments, through our seventeen years we have been invited collaboration with Auckland Museum, Auckland Art Gallery, Manukau Symphony Orchestra, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Police Kapa Haka—Te reo Pirihimana, Auckland Maori host tribe Ngati Whatua Kapa Haka– Te Pou Whakairo, Auckland Choral, South Auckland Choral, Korean Music Association, Sakura no Kai Japanese Ladies Choir, SURGE Filipino Youth Group, The Samoan Encore Duo and Mo’unga Heamoni Tongan Choir / Youth Brass Band and Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School Choir. The most memorable events are Yellow River Cantata with Manukau Symphony Orchestra 2009 and 2015 to New York Carnegie Hall attended another Yellow River Cantata invited by Distinguished Concert International New York.
MAA welcomes you to join our association and support our local musicians!
Website: www.maa.net.nz Email: info@maa.net.nz local call Free: 0800 588 118
奧克蘭音樂協會 我們是一個政府註冊的非營利團體,成立於2002年,聚集了一羣旅居新西蘭的華人音樂家和音樂愛好者。他們來自中國大陸、香港、及臺灣等地,經常在一起切磋技藝,舉辦活動。協會不僅給大家提供展示藝術的舞臺,豐富華人的多元文化生活, 我們更幫助大家融入主流社會。 奧克蘭音樂協會堅持以音樂為紐帶和橋樑,加強團員之間,特別是新移民之間的交流,促進與不同族群和社區的融合,為新西蘭多元文化的發展盡一份责任。
奧克蘭音樂協會成立多年來,除了周年音樂會外,創辦了東方及西洋樂器四重奏作曲比賽,給年青作曲家一個新嘗試。與我們合作演出過的團體有奧克蘭博物館、奧克蘭藝術畫廊、奧克蘭愛樂樂團、警察Kapa Haka—Te reo Pirihimana、奧克蘭主要毛利部隊Ngati Whatua Kapa Haka– Te Pou Whakairo、曼努考交響樂團、奧克蘭合唱團、南奧克蘭合唱團、韓國音樂協會、SURGE菲律賓青年合唱小組、薩摩亞二重唱及湯加合唱團 / 青年銅管樂隊和聖瑪麗亞天主教小學等等。2009年與曼努考交響樂團合作“黃河大合唱”,還有 2015 Distinguished Concert International New York 邀請我們去紐約的卡內基音樂廳演出“黃河大合唱”, 這個不朽音樂作品的七十周年慶典,盛況空前。我們都得到了難忘的經驗及美好的回憶。
網頁 : www.maa.net.nz 電郵 : info@maa.net.nz 本土免費通話 : 0800 588 118